Ines Carović

Dr. Sc. Ines Carović

Dr. Sc. Ines Carović gained Master’s degree in 2007 in Croatian Language and Literature and Phonetics at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb.

She received her PhD in 2014 at the Postgraduate Scientific Study of Linguistics at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, in the field of philology, branch: phonetics with the topic of PhD Thesis “Ultrasound research of articulation and co-articulation of the Croatian vocal system” and she undertook detailed research in the study and analysis of pronunciation.

Ms Carović also worked as an external associate at Croaticum, at the Agronomy Faculty at the Speaking Skills Course, and she works at the University of Croatian Language and Culture, in Berlitz and on Croatian Television.

She teaches Croatian as a foreign language, and her specialty is the correction of pronunciation. She has collaborated on theater performances at the Zagreb Theater of Youth and at the Croatian National Theater in Zagreb.
She has attended a large number of domestic and international conferences, held lectures and workshops on Speech Excellence at the Teachers’ County Councils, at the University of Mostar and at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb.

She is a member of the Croatian Philological Society (HFD), the Croatian Association for Applied Linguistics (HDPL) and the International Phonetic Association (IPA).